Restoring Trust in Relationships – Getting Your Ex Back After an Affair
Can you get your ex back even after you have cheated? A lot of people like to think that after an affair, the relationship should end. I disagree with this whole heartedly. Every relationship, no matter how grim, can be saved if both parties involved are willing to work on it. This article is about just that, restoring the trust in relationships.
There will need to be an adjustment in attitude and actions in order to to start restoring trust in relationships. Even after a big event such as an affair, it IS possible to save a relationship. But this starts with restoring the level of trust with the couple.
If you are the one that had the affair, you strayed because of your attitude. Something deep down in your relationship is not right, but you can always steer back on course.
You have to think about what was it that made you stray? Sex not good enough? Partner too busy? Not spending enough time keeping their looks together?
If the relationship was perfect, you would not have had an affair. So what can you do to right the wrong? This would usually lie in analyzing yourself. But it also lies in your couples relationship.
Restoring trust in relationships means that you need to fix the REAL problems. This might mean going to counseling for couples.
But this isn’t enough.
The secret to restoring trust in relationships does not involve talking about the right things, but DOING the right things.
One good thing that helps a lot is to make small promises and follow through with them. If you say you are going to take out the garbage daily, then do it. If you can demonstrate that you can be trusted, it will build a sense of confidence in the relationship.
Your wife or girlfriend needs a lot of reassurance that you have changed. This includes apologizing for what you did more than once. It is not easy to forget about what you did, so patience is essential on your part.
You should treat this as an opportunity to grow, we have all heard the term “what does not kill me, can only make me stronger.”, and the same goes for a relationship after an affair.
Restoring trust in a relationship takes time. But this does not mean it is impossible to fix your relationship and make you a stronger couple.
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